Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ashley and Arno

Back for more about Ashley. The break wasn't intentional, but here I am, nonetheless.

One of the most important parts for me about adopting a new Westie was whether or not they would get along with Arno. What can I say about Arno? He's my "lifetime" dog. I learned that phrase in a book by Jon Katz. What it means is that I'll never have a more special dog in my lifetime. Arno is that. He is my heart, my love, and has been my reason for living. Seriously.

Arno doesn't like to be photographed and never looks all that happy when he is. Here he is lounging on my bed - turning his head as he usually does when I'm pointing the camera at him.

I took Arno when I went to meet Ashley. It was really up to him as to whether or not we adopted any dog. They sniffed each other and then went about their business sniffing everything else. That was it. Whew!! When Arno doesn't like a dog, you know it! He gets a bit crazed and can even get aggressive. I was so relieved.

I got them home and before you knew it, they were buddies. Not really all that close, but extremely compatible. Arno tried and tried to get Ashley to play, to no avail. Ashley was either too tired, too sick, too old, or never learned to play. Whatever it was, it made me sad for both of them.

Here's just one of the many pictures of them together. This was taken on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon. So very cozy.

And that's how it's always been. Arno is definitely the boss, but Ashley does things that looks like he thinks he's boss. So who knows? The main thing is that Arno is still my #1 - and he knows it. For him, that's the most important thing!

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